The CICA Windows Explosion!
The CICA Windows Explosion! - Disc 2.iso
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C/C++ Source or Header
212 lines
// File name: appgrp.c Creation date: 921006
// Abstract: This is a source file to show how to read the Windows
// 3.1 group file. Please note that all of this may change
// in a future release of the Windows operating system.
// This program works by going out and finding the PROGMAN.INI
// file. A sample PROGMAN.INI file looks like the following:
// [Settings]
// Window=428 465 1011 733 1
// SaveSettings=0
// display.drv=8514.drv
// Order= 6 4 2 9 3 8 1 7 5
// [Groups]
// It uses the information in the PROGMAN.INI file to list
// the information in the opening listbox. In order to get
// information about items in the group, the program opens
// the file listed in this list box.
// The program then goes out and reads in the entire group
// file specified in the opening list box and displays the
// items in a secondary list box. It uses structures
// specified in the group file format document in the
// Windows 3.1 SDK to find where the items are located
// within the file. To demonstrate how to read an item,
// ShowGrp reads in the item's icon and displays it in a
// dialog box.
// Copyright (c) 1992 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "appbar.h"
#include "appgrp.h"
#define BUFSIZE 256
HGLOBAL ghMemGroupFileData; // Handle to global memory which
// holds the group file data.
WORD cbGroup; // WORD value to specify length of groupfile
int ShouldAppBeMinimized(WORD);
// Function: SetItemInfo
// Purpose: Fills in item data into the list box specified
// by the hWndList parameter
// Return Value: void
BOOL ExecGroupFile(char *szGroupFileName)
PMGROUPHEADER PMGroupHeader; // Header for the group file
PMITEMDATA PMItemData; // Pointer to the group file data
WORD FAR *rgiItems; // Array of item offset in group file
WORD cItems; // Count of items
WORD i; // Generic counter
char szCommand [BUFSIZE]; // Buffer to hold command
char *szTemp; // Temporary char pointer
if (!ReadGroupFile ((LPSTR) szGroupFileName, &ghMemGroupFileData))
return FALSE;
// Get the Group File header information
// The rgiItems array in the group file may not have valid
// information in it because it doesn't get updated fully
// when the the user deletes an item from the group file. That
// is, the array doesn't get closed up to only include valid
// offsets. Instead, Windows puts 0 in the offset for the
// deleted item. So, what we're doing here is looking down the
// for non-zero entries in the array to get a true count (cItems)
// of items in it. In this way, we can use cItems as a limit in
// the while loop below.
_fmemcpy (&PMGroupHeader, lpGroupFileData, sizeof (PMGROUPHEADER));
rgiItems = (WORD FAR *) &lpGroupFileData [sizeof (PMGROUPHEADER)];
i = cItems = 0;
while (i++ < PMGroupHeader.cItems)
if (*rgiItems)
i = 0;
rgiItems = (WORD FAR *) &lpGroupFileData [sizeof (PMGROUPHEADER)];
// **************************************************************
// Now that we have the count of valid items in the group file,
// we cand go through and add the strings to the item list box.
// **************************************************************
while (i < cItems)
if (*rgiItems)
// Get the item structure filled in
_fmemcpy (&PMItemData,
&lpGroupFileData [*rgiItems],
sizeof (PMITEMDATA));
// Do the item command
szTemp = szCommand;
*szTemp = lpGroupFileData [PMItemData.pCommand++];
while (*(szTemp++));
if(ShouldAppBeMinimized( (WORD) i))
WinExec(szCommand, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED);
WinExec(szCommand, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return TRUE;
// Function: BOOL ReadGroupFile
// Parameters: LPSTR lpszGroupFileName - Pointer to group file name
// *HGLOBAL ghMemGroupFileData - a pointer to the memory
// handle used to keep track
// of the global memory
// allocated in this routine.
// Purpose: Reads in the group file all at once.
// Return Value: Boolean indicating success or failure
BOOL ReadGroupFile (LPSTR lpszGroupFileName, PHANDLE ghMemGroupFileData)
HFILE fhGroupFile;
// Get a handle to the group file
if ((fhGroupFile = OpenFile (lpszGroupFileName, &OpenBuff, OF_READ)) == NULL)
return FALSE;
// ******************************************************************
// Find out how much memory to allocate to hold the group file by
// seeking to the end of the file. This gives us the number of
// bytes that we have to allocate in the call to GlobalAlloc.
// ******************************************************************
cbGroup = (WORD) _llseek (fhGroupFile, 0L, 2);
_llseek (fhGroupFile, 0L, 0);
*ghMemGroupFileData = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, cbGroup);
lpGroupFileData = GlobalLock (*ghMemGroupFileData);
if (!lpGroupFileData)
_lclose (fhGroupFile);
return FALSE;
if (!_lread (fhGroupFile, lpGroupFileData, cbGroup))
_lclose (fhGroupFile);
if(GlobalUnlock (*ghMemGroupFileData))
GlobalFree (*ghMemGroupFileData);
return FALSE;
_lclose (fhGroupFile);
return TRUE;
int ShouldAppBeMinimized(WORD x)
struct tempTAGDATA {
WORD wItem;
WORD cb;
} tempData;
char FAR *ptr; // *********
tempData.wID = 0x8103; // ********
tempData.wItem = x - 1; // *********
tempData.cb = 0x06;
for(ptr=lpGroupFileData; (ptr<=(lpGroupFileData + cbGroup-6)) &&
_fmemcmp(ptr,&tempData,sizeof(tempData)); ptr++); /* do nothing */
return (ptr <= (lpGroupFileData + cbGroup-6));